Michelle Agenorwot
Ref# 1004

About Me
My name is Michelle Agenorwot. I'm a 7-year-old girl.

My birthday is
August 16, 2016.
Sponsorship Levels

Child Sponsorship

My Story

Gender: Female


Location: Gulu, Uganda

Hobbies/Interests: Playing hide and seek, reading story books, playing with toys/dolls.

Favorite Foods: Chicken, beans and rice, cabbage and posho and beef stew.


Michelle is a 5-year old girl who lives in the Gulu District of Northern Uganda with her grandmother and has high ambition of becoming a professional teacher in the future by consistently attending classes. Michelle’s grandmother toils every day in her petty trade/microenterprise to make ends meet for the grandchildren. 


Despite the old woman meeting some of the basic needs, she has failed to keep Michelle at school during the school terms; the child is always sent home to fetch school dues including tuition, uniforms, books. God can use you to help ease the pain of this vulnerable child in desperate need of help. Through your financial, material, emotional and spiritual support, Michelle can start schooling again in early 2019 and live to her full potential and also fulfill her aspirations.


Sponsor: Holly H