About Me
My name is Anselm Olaker. I'm a 15-year-old boy.

My birthday is
July 20, 2008.
Sponsorship Levels

Child Sponsorship

My Story

Gender: Male

Age: 10

Location: Gulu, Uganda

Hobbies/Interests: Playing football/soccer, bicycling, playing hide and seek, reading story book, drawing and coloring pictures and helping in doing household chores.

Favorite Foods:

Greens and sweet potatoes, beans and rice, fried peas and posho, rice and meat (beef)/chicken stew.


Meet Anselm, a 10 year old boy from Gulu, Northern Uganda. He comes from a humble peasant family headed by his single mum who has struggled to provide basic needs (food, shelter, water, clothing and beddings and meet school expenditures). He has been out of school for quite sometimes now. Anselm’s ambition in life is to become a Member of Parliament (MP) and help advocate for community concerns, including children’s rights. Through your collaborative efforts, he can once again go to school and have an opportunity to form friendships, work with adults who care about him and wish to prepare him for the bright future that lies ahead.

Sponsor: Holly H