About Me
My name is Andrew Oloya. I'm a 16-year-old boy.

My birthday is
February 10, 2009.
Sponsorship Levels

Child Sponsorship

My Story

Gender: Male

Age: 10

Location: Gulu, Uganda


Playing football, reading story books, and singing, dancing and fetching water.

Favorite Foods:

Beef, Beans and rice, chicken and rice stew


Andrew is a 10-year old boy living in the Gulu District in Northern Uganda with high hopes of becoming a driver in the future. He believes that through education, he can help his grandma transport some crop produce to the market. Andrew, his siblings and their grandma in the past weeks have been struggling in the local market to generate income by selling (hawking) excess crops (vegetables). Despite the grandma’s effort to educate Andrew and his other siblings using her meager earnings from hawking, meeting their education needs has not been possible for the old woman. Andrew did drop out of school due to irregular school attendance; every other week, he was being sent home by the school authorities to fetch school dues including school fees, uniforms, shoes, socks, books and pens. Being unable to attend school for more than six  months now like his peers in the neighborhood has greatly affected the child’s self-esteem and sense of purpose. God can use you to help ease the pain of this child in desperate need. Through your financial, material, emotional and spiritual support, Andrew can start schooling again in early 2019 and live to his full potential, and his rights and aspirations will be fulfilled.

Sponsor: Holly H