Mary Immaculate Ajolo
Ref# 1005

About Me
My name is Mary Immaculate Ajolo. I'm a 18-year-old girl.

My birthday is
April 25, 2006.
Sponsorship Levels

Child Sponsorship

My Story

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Location: Gulu, Uganda

Hobbies/Interests: Reading books, rope skipping, drawing and painting pictures.

Favorite Foods: Beans and millet bread, peas (peanut pasted) and sweet potatoes.


Mary is 12 years old now and lives with her single mum and three other siblings.

She is very jolly child who dropped out of school in Primary Six (P.6) last year. In her free time, she loves to read books, skip ropes, draw and paint pictures. The HIV/AIDS epidemic has had a terrible toll on the children of Mary’s family in general; the social and emotional effects of the disease in the household are so profound. Despite irregular school attendance in the past years so as to care for an ailing family member (mother), she is again facing another psychosocial distress of a shattered dream since her mum who depends on subsistence farming to make ends meet can’t afford her school expenditures. She hopes one day she can be a Medical Doctor and help treat sick people in the community. Mary is waiting for sponsors and through your support; you can provide her with a happy childhood.

Sponsor: Debbie R