About Me
My name is Precious Lagum. I'm a 12-year-old girl.

My birthday is
April 9, 2012.
Sponsorship Levels

Child Sponsorship

My Story

Gender: Female

Age: 6

Location: Gulu, Uganda

Hobbies/Interests: Playing netball, reading, drawing and coloring pictures, storytelling, and playing with dolls.

Favorite Foods: Beans and rice, green vegetables, sweet potatoes, bread, and fish


Precious is a very intelligent 6-year-old girl with big dreams. She is anxiously waiting for a sponsor. Her only caregiver is her grandmother who is overburdened and lacks the socioeconomic capacity to provide adequate care and support for the children including meeting education expenses. She also lives in an HIV/AIDS-affected household where the disease has created orphans and vulnerable children. Her ambition is to pursue a career in Nursing when she grows up; this she believes will enable help her grandmother and other children who will fall sick in the community. Through your support, her self-esteem and sense of purpose will be boosted.

Sponsor: Tammy M