About Me
My name is Mary Apiyo. I'm a 8-year-old girl.

My birthday is
May 19, 2015.
Sponsorship Levels

Child Sponsorship

My Story

In the village of Lacan Kwite, Gulu, Apiyo Mary's laughter echoes as a beacon of hope for her family. Following their father's passing to COVID-19 in 2021, Mary, her mother Beatrice, and her five siblings faced severe challenges. Each sibling brought something unique to the table: Justine with her joy, Christopher with his cheekiness, Sunday's vast dreams, Sharon's wisdom, and little Moses's innocence.

After the family was forced out of their home, a kind stranger named Okema Anthony stepped in. He offered them a place, and in gratitude, Beatrice helped around his house. As the days went by and the financial strain grew, young Mary took on a role beyond her years. She began working in the bustling streets of Gulu city as a housemaid. Earning a modest wage, she kept her dreams alive, taking joy in the simple pleasures the city offered.

Above all, Mary held onto one significant dream: education. She believes it’s her key to unlocking a brighter future, not just for herself but for her entire family and community. Now, we stand at a juncture where we can help shape Mary's future. By coming together and supporting her quest for education, we have the power to ensure that her dreams, and the dreams of her family, become a reality.